Semiotic Perspectives between Social Cognition and Practices

09.00 am to 5 pm / 07 June 2010.

EHESS, 105 Bd Raspail, 75006 Paris – Amphithéâtre François Furet

09.30 am to 6 pm / 08 June 2010.

EHESS, 105 Bd Raspail, 75006 Paris – Amphithéâtre François Furet

Workshop organized by the Centre de Linguistique Anthropologique et Sociolinguistique (LIAS-IMM EHESS/CNRS)

07 June 2010

09.00               General presentation and introduction

09.30               The Reality of Meaning. Ontology for a Cognitive Semiotics

Per Aage Brandt (Case Western Reserve University)

10.15                          From Integral Linguistics to Phenomenological Cognitive Semiotics – Notes taken during the Tribulation

Göran Sonesson (Lund Universitet)

11.00               Coffee break

11.20               Meaning, Embodiment and Communication

Jordan Zlatev (Lund Universitet)

12.15               Lunch

14.00               Rhétorique et perception

Jean-François Bordron (CERES – Université de Limoges)

14.45               Qu’est ce qu’une imagination sémiotique?

Yves-Marie Visetti (CREA – Ecole Polytechnique/CNRS)

15.30               Coffee break

15.50               On inner voice

Victor Rosenthal (LIAS-IMM – EHESS/CNRS)

08 June 2010

09.30               Semiotics, Pragmatism, Extended Mind and Distributed Cognition

Claudio Paolucci (Università di Bologna)

10.15               From the Extension of Mind to Systemic Semiotics

Simone Morgagni (LIAS-IMM – EHESS/CNRS & SUM – Università di Bologna)

11.00               Coffee break

11.20               Madness, Creativity, Art: evolutionary by-products or cognitive inevitabilities?

Ana Margarida Abrantes (Universidade Catolica Portuguesa & Case Western Reserve University)

12.15               Lunch

14.00                          Which experimental design for semiotics? An example from an eye-tracking experiment for studying habits in information searching

Claudio Vandi (LUTIN Userlab CNRS)

14.45               Title to be announced

Svend Østergaard (Aarhus Universitet)

15.30               Coffee break

15.50               General discussion and conclusions

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