Selected publications
- From Centre to Suburbs: Investigating How Transit Maps Streamline Residents’ Spatial Representations The Cartographic Journal, Volume 60-4 (with Florian Leprévost, Archana Prabhakar, Simon Lhuillier, Elise Grison)
- Transport makes cities: transit maps as major cognitive frames of metropolitan areas Psychological Research, Volume 88-1 (with Archana Prabhakar, Elise Grison, Florian Leprévost, Simon Lhuillier, Valérie Gyselinck)
- Smartphone mobility assistants. A lever to guide route choice preferences in mass transit? Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, volume 179 (with Archana Prabhakar & Elise Grison)
- Environmental impact and mobility behavior: towards a more impactufl representation, proceedings of the 51th European Transport Conference, Milan (Italy) (With Daniel Scheiblhofer & Elise Grison)
- I can’t take the train, it’s too expensive : toward a cognitive analysis of mobility cost perception, proceedings of the 51th European Transport Conference, Milan (Italy) (With Anne-Sophie Hacquin & Elise Grison)
- Virtual reality study of the effects of railway crossing safety technologies on pedestrian behaviour, Transport Research Procedia, 72(3), 1264-1271 (with Samuel Aupetit, Sara Escaich, Camille Gillet, Philippe Herber & Elise Grison)
- Are rural and semi-urban populations ready to change their transport habits for climate?, proceedings of the 50th European Transport Conference, Milan (Italy) (With Daniel Scheiblhofer & Elise Grison)
Evaluating safety signage systems in train stations: a qualitative and quantitative methodology, proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Railway Research, Birmingham (United Kingdom) (with Elise Grison, Samuel Aupetit, Sara Escaich) - Using virtual reality to evaluate the effects of two safety systems at pedestrian track crossings on human behaviour, proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Railway Research, Birmingham (United Kingdom) (with Elise Grison, Samuel Aupetit, Sara Escaich)
- Waiting Time Perception and Real-time Schedule Display, proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Railway Research, Birmingham (United Kingdom) (with Emile Colin, Guillaume Lemaitre & Virginie Van Wassenhove)
- Do you believe in transit schematic maps? Design influences on route choice, proceedings of the 3rd Schematic Mapping Workshop, Bochum (Germany) (with Elise Grison)
- Transit maps: do they shape our minds?, proceedings of the 3rd Schematic Mapping Workshop, Bochum (Germany) (with Archana Prabhakar, Simon Lhuillier & Elise Grison)
- Mastering time: understanding passenger time perception in real travel conditions during complex railway journeys, proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Railway Research, Tokyo (Japan) (with Guillaume Lemaitre, Caroline Guerin, Blandine Beirnaert, Yvan Nedelec, William Vallet, Valérie Gyselinck & Virginie Van Wassenhove)
- East or West? Map Design and Passenger Path Decisions on Mass Transit Networks, Proceedings of the 2nd Schematic Mapping Workshop (with Elise Grison)
- I limiti del multiculturalismo, dialogo tra Jean Lass?gue e Frederick Stjernfelt a cura di Simone Morgagni, AlfaDomenica, 11/05/2014
- L’intégration du phénomène iconique : enrichissement ou révolution pour les sciences cognitives ?, Intellectica, n. 60, pp.263-270
- Conceptual Metaphor Theory: Thirty Years After, thematic issue of the Journal of Cognitive Semiotics, 5 (1-2) (with Riccardo Fusaroli)
- Introduction: Thirty Years After, Journal of Cognitive Semiotics, 5 (1-2), pp. 1-13 (with Riccardo Fusaroli)
- Le sens écartelé : variations entre sémiotique et sciences cognitives. Introduction au dossier, Intellectica, n. 58, pp. 7-32
- Iconicité et ressemblance : une remontée sémiotique aux sources de la cognition, Intellectica, n. 58, pp. 91-171 (with Jean-Marie Chevalier)
- Ombre del Multiculturalismo. Note su un paradigma in crisi, Alfabeta2, n. 23, ottobre 2012
- Due letture del decennio sicuritario (Fassin et Matelly – Mouhanna), Alfabeta2, n. 20, giugno 2012 (with Andrea Inglese)
- Repenser la notion d’affordance dans ses dynamiques sémiotiques, Intellectica, n. 55, pp. 241-267
- Enacting Computer Icons. The Dynamics of Interpretation between Forms and Diagrams, in Proceedings of The Arco’09 Conference: Interprétation et problématiques du sens, 2009. (with Riccardo Fusaroli)
- Elementi per una nozione espansa di schiavitù?: tecnologie di sorveglianza e servit? involontaria, dialogue with P.A.Chardel, G.Periès and M.Tibon-Cornillot, in Il senso della Repubblica. Schiavitù, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2009.
- Affordances as Possible Actions: Elements for a Semiotic Approach, in Proceedings of 10th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS), A Coruna, 2009.
- La schiavitù? e l’informazione. Google e la nuova tecnologia della ricerca, in Il senso della Repubblica. Schiavitù, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2009.
- Montages signifiants: les icônes d’Apple iPhone entre texte et image, Revue Signes, Discours et Soci?t?s, n.2, dicembre 2008
- Pratiques d’usage et valorisation esth?tique des objets technologiques, Journ?e d’?tude L’objet entre art et design, Universit? de Metz
- Traduzione italiana de: Il ritorno al futuro della razza: tra societ? e istituzioni, intervista a Etienne Balibar, Thomas Casadei (a cura di), Rivista Trimestrale di Scienza dell’amministrazione, n.4, 2007
- E Londra ? il nostro tempo, Lulupress, 2008. Silloge di poesie
- Pratiques d’?mergence s?miotique: une analyse de l’interface multitouche d’Apple, m?moire de master recherche, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
- Traduzione italiana de: “La misurazione delle discriminazioni razziali: l?utilizzo delle statistiche nelle politiche pubbliche”. Originariamente pubblicato come ? La mesure des discrimination raciales. L?usage des statistiques dans les politiques publiques ?, in ?Revue internationale des sciences sociales?, n. 183 (?Agir contre le racisme et la discrimination?), 2005. Versione italiana pubblicata sulla Rivista Trimestrale di Scienza dell’Amministrazione, n.4, 2007
- Notes sur “Types of lexical information” de Charles J Fillmore (version fran?aise)
- Nuove forme di (auto) organizzazione della protesta politica. La primavera studentesca francese del 2006 e i nuovi media (versione italiana, pdf 221 kb)
- La societ? digitale delle arti (versione italiana, pdf 128 kb)
- Alcuni elementi per una definizione del termine “Blog” (ovvero perch? parliamo da anni non sapendo ancora di cosa) – Slide RomeCamp 20 gennaio 2007 (versione italiana)
- Appunti poetici per la ricostruzione (Versione Italiana)
- Nuove forme di (Auto)organizzazione della protesta politica. Le proteste studentesche francesi del 2006 e i nuovi media – Slide BarCamp Turin 2 dicembre 2006 (versione italiana)
- Il Mulino Bianco: ritmo e tradizione – Tesi di laurea triennale, università di Bologna (versione italiana)
- The Eraser. Piccola raccolta poetica di mezzestate
- Economia del cinema: Attualit? e prospettive (Versione Italiana – Version Fran?aise)
- Le banlieues francesi, una crisi di “rappresentazione” (Versione Italiana)
- La blogosfera nel periodo dell’affidabilit? (Versione Italiana)
- Il Mulino Bianco. Utopia di una non natura (versione italiana)
- L’agenda setting nella galassia dei nuovi media (versione italiana)